20-21 nov. 2023 Grenoble (France)


Webinar objectives:  to provide researchers with a good understanding of:

  • the evaluation criteria and how to analyse them;
  • how to write a competitive scientific proposal considering panel specifics and type of project; 
  • what makes an excellent PI according to the reviewers of the different domains/panels.

Clinic objective: to discuss your CV and project idea in order to determine a GO/NO-GO. 


Nota bene :

The webinar will be taught in English and recorded.  

Registration is free but mandatory. 

Please note that the webinar as well as the individual interviews are reserved for ERC candidates who would like to submit an ERC-AdG proposal call with a Grenoble laboratory.




Webinar 1: Monday afternoon 20/11/2023 from 13:30 to 16:00 CEST (Paris time)

Focus on panel selection and evaluation criteria

Part I: ERC in a nutshell - who is your audience ?

Part II: Challenge, importance and project idea - Innovativeness and Relevance

Part III: High risk and high gain balance – Ambition

Part IV: Questions & answers and closing 


Webinar 2: Tuesday afternoon 21/11/2023 from 13:30 to 16:00 CEST (Paris time)

Focus on writing a successful proposal

Part V: How to design an implementation plan ?

Part VI: How to write the B1 part ?

Part VII: How to write the PI parts ?


+ One hour clinic per candidate  (individual meeting) to discuss your CV and project idea in order to determine a go/no-go. 

Slot registrations will be opened during the webinar.

Focus on project idea and CV

Save the dates : targeted slots :

  • Monday 04/12/2023 from 09:00 - 17:00 
  • Monday 11/12/2023 from 09:00 - 17:00 


The ERC's mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence.

The ERC aims to:

  • Support the best of the best in Europe across all fields of science, scholarship and engineering
  • Promote wholly investigator-driven, or 'bottom-up' frontier research
  • Encourage the work of the established and next generation of independent top research leaders in Europe
  • Reward innovative proposals by placing emphasis on the quality of the idea rather than the research area
  • Raise the status and visibility of European frontier research and the very best researchers of today and tomorrow
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